
imageKnox is one of the main characters in the Dead Poets society. He is first introduced as an average sized male with a sense of humor and friendships attending Welton academy. He is bunking with Meeks, a friend of Knox and the rest of the boys.

As we read further into the book, Knox is constantly shown as a drooling boy in love with a cheer leader from another school named Chris. Knox plays a mediocre role in the story compared to his friends Todd or Neil. During the meetings and Mr. Keatings class, he is constantly portraying his love for Chris and his dilemma. He is very terse when he talked about his love for her.”‘I dont care,’ he said, shaking his head.’I love you, Chris…”.(127) He does not cause much trouble other than backing up his friends and sneaking out once in a while to meet or stare at Chris. He confronts Chris and ends up almost ruining his chances, but like any cliche book or movie, he gets the girl.

Knox is a round and static Character. He is well developed in that we know a little about him and his future. While all the boys in the Dead Poets Society have a problem with school, Knox teaches us about young adult relationships.

“‘I cant just forget her…”(pg 36)

“‘God, I cant take it anymore! If I dont have Chris, i’ll kill myself!'”(pg 78)

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