

Mr. Keating is one of the more special characters. He takes part and “touches” every other character in the book in some way. Including, Todd Anderson, Neil Perry, Charlie Dolton, and Knox Overstreat. One the first day of Welton Academy each of the students have frowns on their faces and most of their parents stood proudly next to them. Welton Academy is a boarding school, so if you were a student you may say good bye to your social life. Although if you are a parent, you are probably proud as any parent could be. The group of boys were not looking forward to for their first day. They went to each class and all that each teacher did was lecture. They got large quantities of homework. Although at the last class of the day the boys met Mr. Keating. Who started class with a particular task. Slowly but surely the student started to realize that Mr. Keating was an and outstanding teachers, whose morals was to help every student and make sure that they came out of their comfort zone. His only passion was teaching and his life was his students. Mr. Keating is the kindest man any one could ever meet and he would not hurt a fly.

         The first reason that Mr. Keating is such a fun teacher is because on the first day of class he had each of the students rip out a page in their books. Each of the students thought that this was strange and some did not know whether to follow the other students or to not rip the page out. This was a strange action to do, but knowing Mr. Keating their must be an important reason to we he had each of the students do this. The second reason, Mr. Keating is not just like any other teacher is because he told the boys about the Dead Poets Society. This made the boys have a passion for learning, saying and writing poetry. It made them dedicated to his class and appreciate all English, especially poetry. Mr. Keating also told the boys about Carpe Diem. He told them they basically had to live life as if they were going to die the next day. The last reason as to why Mr. Keating is an extraordinary teacher is because he pushes each student to come out of their comfort zone. For example when Todd Anderson did not complete the homework assignment of creating his own piece of poetry since he was shy. Mr. Keating did an exercise in front of the entire class of making Todd come out of his comfort zone, but yelling out. This made Todd go outside the box and become overcome with emotions and spill out the best poem out of the whole class. By pushing Todd Mr. Keating completed his goal. He had made Todd and incredible student.

         Mr. Keating looks as though he is in his early thirties. He has brown hair and brown eyes. His height was medium and he was simply an average looking man. He look respectable and scholarly. Mr. Keating was easily an protagonist. He was a good man, and almost everyone looked up to him. He was the students favorite teacher, and help them color outside of the lines. Mr. Keating is also easily a round character. He is fully developed and is very outgoing. In addition Mr. Keating is a static character. He does not change throughout the book, because he started a good man and ended a good man. Mr. Keating is the ideal character in a book. Every book should have a character like Mr. Keating!


Supporting Quotes:

(Pg. 25) “Carpe Diem.”


(Pg. 39) “Refuse! Garbage! Pus! Rip it out of your books. Go on, rip the entire page! I want this rubbish in the trash where it belongs!”

(Pg. 46) “The Dead Poets Society was dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life.”

(Pg. 74) “A yawp, for those of you who don’t know, is a loud cry or yell. Todd, I would like you to give us a demonstration of a barbaric yawp.”


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