

At the start of the novel we see Todd as a shy self conscious boy whom is at Welton only because his parents forced him. Also, he has very big shoes to fill, his brother went to Welton before him and was a success.” Ah, Mr. Anderson. you have big shoes to fill, young man. Your brother was one of our best.” (Kleinbaum 7) Unlike his friend, Todd is not a very outgoing person, he is very shy and tries to keep to himself. Even though, Todd wants to keep to himself Keating tries to get him to express himself and let loose. For instance, when Keating forces him to say his poem allowed to the class it made Todd feel very uncomfortable. Although, Todd did not like it, Keating made him say it and made him leave his comfort zone. “A few boys n the class chuckled, and Todd’s tortured face grew angry.’to hell with them!'” (76) Overall this is a good thing that Keating did for Todd because everyone has to learn to leave their comfort zone at some point, to move on in life. An example of Todd trying to keep to himself is when Neil asks him to be apart of the dead poets society, Todd instantly declines. “‘I just don’t want to come,’ he stammered.”(50) Neil happens to make a deal with Todd, he will not have to read at the meetings but he will be the record keeper. Even in that situation Todd took one step out of his comfort zone. In conclusion, each step that he took led to his dissection making in the future.

    Later on in the novel Todd makes some dissections that change who he is as a person and that he benefited from each step taken out of his bubble. After Neil’s death Charlie told on all the boys and Keating for the dead poets group. As all the boys willingly signed the papers saying Keating was responsible for all the boys actions Todd refused.”‘ No i wont sign it'” (160) Not only did he say no, he became enraged with anger, and explained why he would not sign it and how Keating was not to blame. At the beginning of this novel Todd would have never stood up and taken that risk. Each time that Keating and his friends  pushed him, he benefited from it. It is clearly shown that Todd is a round and dynamic character, he grows up and changes for the better.

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