Important Quotes

“Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.”

The most important quote in Dead Poets Society is, “Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.” (Pg. 27) Mr. Keating says this to the boys in the beginning of the school year at Welton Academy in English class. This quotes means that people must look forward to the day that they must make their lives worth living. Whether it is meeting the love of your life, or saving a child from a burning building. There are so many answers and meanings to this quote, but what matters is what people make of it. People also cannot wait around doing nothing. They must go looking for it, do not rush, but also do not take your time. All the matters is that they make their lives worth it. What Mr. Keating is trying to say that you did not fulfill this statement unless you’ve touched someone else’s heart in the world. You must make your lives extraordinary.

“There is a time for daring and there is a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for.” (pg 110)

One of the most important quotes is John Keating’s, “There is a time for daring and there is a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for.” This quote reflects many scenes in the book that have morals tested. One place where this quote shows up is during the time where Charlie tells dean Noland about his ideas on a co-ed Welton. This was a questionable approach and this daring act resulted in the worst of consequences. During Niels daring idea to perform in his play behind his father’s back, he was daring for the right reasons but we know how that ended. An example of when caution gives a bad outcome, is Cameron’s decision at the end of the book to blame Keating for Neil’s death. It may have helped Cameron himself, but overall, the rest of the group and Mr.Keating were the ones who felt the effect of his actions. What can be learned from this is to know which is the right thing to do, and the answer is not always clear, but we can learn from our mistakes.

Mr. Perry, “I don’t know why you insist on defying us.”

Mr. Perry, “I don’t know why you insist on defying us.” (One of the last things said to Neil and describes everything he did) pg 142:
Neil’s father tells Neil this the night that Neil kills himself. This is a symbol of Neil’s actions of trying out for the play against his father’s judgment, his arguing his father’s decision that Neil shouldn’t perform in the play, and his going to Mr. Keating with his issues with his father. Neil’s choice to rebel against his father’s judgment that he should not do acting is the first example of the importance of this quote, simply because he defies his father. The second example I gave is him arguing with his father about doing the play, and doing it despite his father’s disapproval. This shows that at this point, Neil has lost any respect of his father’s opinion. Lastly, Neil becomes so detached from his father that he seeks fatherly influence from his teacher who he does not know, or have such a relationship with as he does with his father. These three examples are why this quote is important to Dead Poets Society.

“‘What do you care about me?’ Todd shouted back. ‘He cares about me! You don’t!’ Todd’s father stood over him, white with rage, and picked up the pen. ‘Sign the paper Todd,’ he ordered. Todd shook his head ‘ No. I won’t sign it'”

“‘What do you care about me?’ Todd shouted back. ‘He cares about me! You don’t!’ Todd’s father stood over him, white with rage, and picked up the pen. ‘Sign the paper Todd,’ he ordered. Todd shook his head ‘ No. I won’t sign it'” (Kleinbaum 161) From this quote we clearly see that Todd has a lot of courage. Although, all the students in the Dead Poet’s group appreciated the group and what Mr. Keating did for them. Todd was the only member who had the courage to return what Keating had instilled in them. At the tragic time when the members found out and informed the dean about what has been happening in the dead poets group, they were all called in to sign a paper stating that their English teacher Mr. Keating was responsible. Even though all the boys may have known that it was not Keating’s fault, it seems that they could only think about the punishments that would happen to them. The farthest thought from their mind seems to be the punishments and life struggles that would be ahead of Keating. On that note, Todd shows compassion because he is not only thinking of himself but also the teacher who had inspired him to seize the day. Meanwhile the school had moved on, they found a new teacher to substitute for Mr. Keating, and the students are getting back to their daily learning. Todd still has a hard time swallowing the news.

“‘ Oh Captain! My Captain!’ Todd called out. Keating turned to look at Todd. The rest of the class turned, too. Todd propped one foot up on his desk, hoisting himself up onto it, and, fighting back tears, faced Mr. Keating.”

“‘ Oh Captain! My Captain!’ Todd called out. Keating turned to look at Todd. The rest of the class turned, too. Todd propped one foot up on his desk, hoisting himself up onto it, and fighting back tears, faced Mr. Keating.”(165) From this we see Todd’s feelings, his sorrow about the death of his roommate and friend, and his teacher becoming unemployed for something he and his friends are responsible for. After this quote we see all the students who were involved in the dead poets society stand up and say farewell to their dearly beloved teacher. From this we see Todd is an inspiration to his friends.

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