Friends Are Always There For Each other

The theme that comes up multiple times in Dead Poets Society is, friends are always there for each other. The first example in the book that stands out in some sense is when two boys were talking about a study group and they started talking bad about cameron and Neil stood up for him. “‘Sure, but cameron asked me too. anybody mind including him?’ ‘hey Neil said, He’s your roommate.'” (kleinbaum,130) In that quote, charlie started to talk bad about cameron and Neil told him he’s your roommate, or in other words, you must respect him. Even though Neil defines Cameron as a jerk as he welcomes Todd to his dorm, he still shows that he somewhat cares about him. Secondly, another example for the theme, friends are always there for each other is towards the end of the novel when charlie wrote in the annual that they want girls at Welton, and published it in the name of the dead poets society. Instead of charlie letting everyone in the Dead Poets Society he took one for the team. Charlie took one for the team by admitting to writing it in the annual and taking the blame for what the Dead Poets Society is. ” what is the dead poets society?’ i want names. Nolan shouted. feeling faint Charlie hoarsely replied, it’s only me, Mr. Nolan, i swear i made it up.”( Kleinbaum, 107) In this quote, Mr. Nolan was questioning Charlie about what the Dead Poets Society was, and instead of Charlie telling Mr. Nolan what it really was, he lied to save the other students from getting in trouble. Lastly when Neil died, all of his friends mourned for him, showing that friends are always there for each other. His friends in the dead poets society carried his coffin, “The dead poets carried his coffin on their shoulders.” (Kleinbaum, 152) Also, the whole school gathered and in his honor, “After the burial the entire school assembled in the Welton chapel …the assemble sang a hymn before the chaplain spoke. almighty god, grant us the grace to entrust Neil Perry into the arms of the never-failing mercy.” As one can conclude, the theme, friends are always there for each other stands out in the novel.

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