Stress Can Be Caused by Parents and School Expectations

IMG_0083 Stress can be caused by parents and schools expectations. In the novel Dead poets society it is constantly shown that the students are stressed and forced to do things that they disagree with from their parents. Not only was the stress, judgement, and expectations placed on the students but also on the teachers. “Neil Perry’s father eyed the new English teacher with suspicion” (Kleinbaum, 6) From the start of the book Keating is not well liked by Neil’s father for no reason. On the other hand, when Todd comes to Welton, he is following in his brothers foot steps. “‘Ah Mr. Anderson. You have big shoes to fill, young man. Your brother was one of our best.'” (7) The first comment, Todd hears from the school is that he should be as great ad his brother, dean Nolan does not ask Todd any thing about himself. From that, Todd walks in to his first semester at Welton with the heavy weight on his shoulders, of living up to his brother. Likewise, Neil’s feels intimidated by his father and what he thinks and expects from him. “‘Neil, I’ve decided that you’re taking too many extracurricular activities. I’ve spoken to Mr. Nolan about it, and he’s agreed to let you work on the school annual next year,” (15) Neil’s father dose not even think twice about his dissection. Along with that Neil knew what was being asked of him and he did not have the courage to stand up for him self. Although, all the boys feel pressure and stress from their parents and the school, they over come it in many ways.
Living up to other people’s expectations for you is not nearly as impactful as listing to your own. Firstly, all the boys who participate in the dead poets group are participating in something that is not looked highly upon by their parents of the school. Yet they do it anyways because they believe it will be an inspirational and powerful experience for them all. Also when Neil decides he wants to act, agencies his fathers will. “‘Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to try it. Last summer I even tried to go to summer stock additions, but of course my father wouldn’t let me.” (63) Neil knows his father would not be happy with his decision but he listens to his heart and follows his dream. By the same token, Todd stands up for Keating when the school is threading to fire him and blame him for the dead poets society. Todd knows that it is not Keating fault for all the boys actions, especially the fact that the boys did it by choice. Instead of Todd doing what the school and his parents expected of him he rebelled. “‘What do you care about me?’ Todd shouted back. ‘He cares about me! You don’t!’ Todd’s father stood over him, white with rage, and picked up the pen. ‘Sign the paper Todd,’ he ordered. Todd shook his head ‘ No. I won’t sign it'” (161) Todd listens to what he thinks is right for him and the people who are involved in his decision. Todd teaches us a very important lesson, to do what each of us believes is the correct thing to do, even if others disagree.

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