Teachers Bring Up Self-esteem, and parents often bring down self-esteem

The theme that I chose to write about is, teachers bring up self-esteem, and parents often bring down self-esteem. One example of teachers bringing up self-esteem is the activity Mr. Keating had Todd do, when Todd was too shy to perform or even write a poem. Todd had came to class and unprepared, therefor Mr. Keating had him yell a “barbaric” yawp. He had Todd yell this as loud as he could. Then making Todd furious with the situation and spill out with an astounding poem. “‘Yawp!’ Todd said in a frightened voice. ‘Again! Louder!’ Keating shouted. ‘YAWP!’ ‘LOUDER!’ ‘AAAHHHH!'” (Pg. 75) Mr. Keating pushed and pushed him until he came out finally! This shows that Mr. Keating is truly a good man. The second place where is shows that teachers bring up self-esteem is the actual Dead Poets Society. In the Dead Poets Society the boys actually learned poetry and gained a passion for it, making them more comfortable in performing it. He gave them reasons to love poetry, thus making their self-esteem much higher. “The Dead Poets Society was dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life.” (Pg. 46) A reason on why parents bring down self esteem would be Neil and his father. Neil’s father wanted him to only focus on school, get good grades, then become a doctor. Although Neil had other dreams. He wanted to make a living out of performing. The play that he joined made him happier then ever. Unfortunately his father found out and forced his to quit the day before. Neil did not and his father found out the hard way. That night after, Neil’s father brought him home, he told Neil that he would be leaving Welton Academy and going to a military school. This pushed Neil over the edge and that night he killed himself with a gun. “Neil lay on the floor, bathed in his own blood. Mr. Perry knelt down and embraced his son while his wife let down an anguished scream.” (Pg. 150) This is a huge example of parents causing kids low self-esteem.

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